Societies across the world have been expressing themselves with unique metal art for centuries. At Metal Pro Inc., we are happy to help artists of all experience levels continue this tradition. As a top choice among machine shops in Phoenix, AZ, we are here to help make your next metal project a success. Looking for some ideas? Here are a few of our top picks.
A quick review
Before we get into potential projects, we need to answer a basic question: What is metal art? This is actually a rather broad term, which encompasses any artistic pieces that are crafted from ores such as tin, iron, silver, bronze and gold. Many artists also use alloys, which are combinations of several different metals—aluminum, for example, is a popular alloy. Now, on to some design ideas!
Functional art
You might not think of it immediately, but some art can fill two functions: it can be both aesthetically appealing and very practical. One great example of this combination is a beautiful set of bowls, or perhaps some artistic teacups. Serving utensils, platters and other cutlery are also a great idea. You can find examples of this sort of artwork from way back in the Bronze Age, and they were onto something smart!
Decorative art
Many people enjoy the challenge of making art that speaks to them personally and helps them convey their emotions and tastes. It doesn’t have to be museum-worthy, it just has to be something you enjoy and want to have in your home. A wonderful place to start might be with a small figurine. It could be something as simple as some pieces of twisted metal, or as advanced as a cast statue. You can choose less expensive materials such as copper to practice with, and if you are feeling confident enough, you could even try a metal like silver. There are many books available with more detailed instructions to help you along your artistic journey.
Wearable art
We couldn’t possibly talk about metal art without designating some space to jewelry! The range of beautiful wearable metal art is vast, and for good reason—everyone has a unique personality and brings something equally unique to creative metal artwork. Maybe you’d like to try some silver earrings, or maybe you’ll find as you explore your options that a pendant or bangle is more up your alley.
Take a look online
A great place to start is online, where you can get inspired by other creations from artists around the world. If you have any questions about what type of metal is right for your needs, Metal Pro Inc. is here to help. We are unique among other machine shops in Phoenix, AZ because of our top customer service and ability to help with even the most complex metal project requirements. Give us a call today to see how we can help you find the metal you need to begin working on the art project of your dreams. We look forward to helping you!