While you may have never heard of CNC machining in Phoenix, AZ if you aren’t keeping up with metal fabrication, this process has probably affected your life far more than you could ever have imagined. In fact, it has been an important aspect of almost every form of the manufacturing process in one way or another. If you work in manufacturing, you know that CNC machining is an integral part of the job on a day-to-day basis.
But CNC is much more than just a random acronym. It actually stands for Computer Numerical Control and is a key process used in the manufacturing sector. This crucial tool uses computers to control machine tools. Some of the tools that can be controlled through CNC include lathes, mill routers and grinders. A CNC machine is much more than just a traditional computer, though. The computer’s unique software and control console are what truly set it apart from your everyday personal computer.
How does a CNC work?
A CNC machine makes it so that everything an operator would have previously been required to do with conventional machine tools is now programmable with CNC machining in Phoenix, AZ. Once the CNC machine is programmed and running properly, it is very easy to keep running and requires a low level of maintenance and supervision to ensure that everything is operating as intended.
The machine tools actually function through numerical controls. A computer program is customized for an object and the machines are programmed with the CNC machining language. This language, known as G-code, essentially controls all features involved in the process, such as feed rate, coordination, location and speeds. Through the use of CNC machining, the computer can control exact position and velocity.
CNC in the metal fabrication industry
CNC machining is especially crucial in the metal fabrication industry. Fabrication, which refers to operations that are performed on thin plates, benefitted tremendously due to the advent of CNC machining. The CNC allowed for a level of precision and uniformity that was not previously possible when the same items were created by hand. Most commonly, these fabrication operations include cutting, punching, laser cutting, forming and welding. CNC is now involved in almost every aspect of fabrication.
The most astounding aspect of CNC machining in Phoenix, AZ is the variety of tasks that can be performed. CNC back gauges are commonly used with shearing machines to control the length of the plate that is being sheared. Just to add to that list of tasks, the CNC lasers and CNC plasma cutters are also used to bring plates to their final shape.
The advantages of CNC machining in Phoenix, AZ
CNC machining is significantly more precise than manual machining. It can also be repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again, which guarantees that each piece will be exactly the same. Due to this high level of precision, the process can produce complex shapes that would be impossible to achieve otherwise.
If your business relies on or needs significant quantities of metal parts, Metal Pro Inc has the equipment and knowledge necessary to use CNC machining to meet your needs. Call us today to learn more about what we can do for you.